Authenticity of Cuban Cigars

El Club Privado works exclusively with Emporium Cigars, the only Brazilian company that has a contract to import Cuban cigars directly from Habanos SA, a Cuban company that owns all cigar brands. All original cigars have a holographic seal, mandatory on all boxes sold in Brazil, which identifies the official importer.

Official seal of Emporium Cigars.

It is possible to confirm the authenticity of cigar boxes through the APP provided by Emporium Cigars. There you can scan the original Cuban stamp code and verify that it is an officially imported box and therefore have the guarantee that you are tasting a 100% original cigar.

Seal of the Republic of Cuba, where it is possible to identify the code.

El Club Privado values ​​quality and care for all connoisseurs, which is why all Cuban cigars sold by El Club Privado have a Protected Designation of Origin (DOP), which means that they all have legal origins.

Some tips are important to avoid purchasing fake cigars by mistake: 1. Be wary of prices that are excessively below the market, Cuban cigars are items with high global demand and low supply; 2. Search the Emporium Cigars website to see if you are purchasing from a cigar store registered with the website ; 3. Always demand the Emporium Cigars holographic seal; and, 4. Verify that the cigar box is officially registered in the Emporium app.